Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Pussy Willow Pompoms

Actual size is about 3/4" per blossom.  Any idea what kind of Willow?
Central Oregon is not a swamp.  It is commonly referred to as "high desert," though high is a relative term.  At 3800 feet, there are many other places in the state that are higher.  The surprise of my morning walk was finding a willow tucked in amongst the pines flashing its little pussy poms.   Most willows like water.  Sandy, volcanic soil holds little of it for the brave vegetation that grows here.  I'm clueless as to the type of willow tough enough to hold its own in this dry setting. Any knowings out there?


  1. I has several pussy willow trees in my back yard a stone's throw (or two) from Lake Erie. They kept the yard relatively dry in spring.The tulip tree has fat, fat buds, but that's the only one so far.

  2. The blossoms are beautiful.. I know they have a secret on how they survive, but they probably will never reveal the secret-- do you suppose?
    They are soooo beautiful,
