Saturday, October 24, 2015

Aging Gracefully

It's a common phrase for the Boomers. Not sure how it's done, exactly. Maybe not to slow, not too fast, without cursing at everyday, but more focused on finding the blessings that lie concealed in each moment.

Personally, I think it means a balanced, peaceful acceptance of how the body changes over time. Is it also a finding of bliss in the now when it's not easy to see through dimming eyes?  Maybe being strong of spirit as the body finds it's way in years? However it is defined, growing old with class is pretty well nailed by these pine cones.
Silver heads of the elderly mixed with the newly-fallen.
I'm guessing ten years worth of pine cones collected
here--all at different stages and aging gracefully.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

A Quiver

Stunningly handsome Quail are the helpful birds who clean up after
 the messy ones who eat from the feeders in the tree.  

A dozen or so are what remain of the thirty-plus that
hatched early in the summer. 
The earth moves.  It quivers.  Covey is no-doubt the more correct word for a collection of quail, but from the kitchen window, the grey-brown earth under the chokecherry tree is trembling with birds.

Really, a "quiver of quail" is what we see regularly.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Seize the Sunflower

Mr. Bushy--as big as the head of seeds.

One plant with its weighty head remains in the yard.  It attracts attention from nearly all the critters.

Finding a way to reach the underside where the gold lies.

Birds have pecked at it.  Jays have hung upside down till their brains nearly burst.  The deer have eaten all the leaves they can reach (the stalk is over six feet tall), and deer don't even like sandpaper-abrasive leaves like these.

Did you know that squirrels eat the flesh of the head
as well as the seeds?

This guy is determined to get his share, fair or not. He comes better equipped to make an end to this valiant plant than all the other visitors.  Until I came out and took down the plant, it appeared to be all his.  Nope. The head goes on the ground under the tree where dozens of birds feed.  Just a little lesson in sharing.

Friday, October 16, 2015

You Are Out of Luck, Clark Kent

Antiques come in all forms. 
The world was saved by a phone booth. Well, actually Clark Kent was able to save the world by changing into Superman while in a phone booth. What would he do today?

Until yesterday, I hadn't seen a phone booth in forever. Then this pitiful little excuse for one showed up on the side of a Minute Mart near us. We had pulled in at the request of a passenger who needed to pick up an item. While we waited, we were stunned and amazed to behold this thing of the past.

No door and not tall enough for a small child to stand in, this phone booth doubtless would not have met Clark's needs.

But Good News! There's a Halloween Party coming to town, the booth proclaims. And Pink Martini will be in Bend in December! The combined effect of those two events will bring a state of delight and joy that may save our town, if not the whole world.